Major project
2020/21 Redevelopment
Chart Hills has been subject to a total property renovation since work began in summer 2020. New owners, Ramac Holdings, made the decision to fully close the golf course in July that year, with no reopening scheduled until all 18-holes had been completely renovated.
The focus of the project was to completely relay the fairways and produce carpet-like surfaces that are playable year-round.
Every fairway was completely stripped, exposing the bare soil. The maintenance team then laid thousands of metres of irrigation piping down before more than 30,000 tonnes of sand was shaped onto the holes to produce a four-inch capping. The finishing team spread Creeping-Rye seed on each fairway area before the watering and fertilisation processes began.
Off the course, the entire venue has been remodelled, with a completely redecorated clubhouse, all-new club shop, modernised bar area, improved car park signage, and upgraded practice facilities.